2012년 4월 3일 화요일

Redundant It And Telecoms Equipment

When one has additional IT equipment to spare, then it is possible to re-use it within the organization. Redundant IT and telecoms equipment are important in the modern world. If you are typing an essay when your hard drive crashes, you know how annoying it is to have to rewrite everything. However, if a server hard drive at a large corporation crashes, and that corporation doesn't implement any redundancy, all of the data would be lost forever. Redundancy comes in many types, and each type has its advantages and disadvantages.The cheapest way to implement redundancy would be to set up Beauty Nail Tips your servers hard drives in a RAID configuration. RAID stands for Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks and it has a few different types, but the main point of raid is to have backups of your data on many different hard drives, so that if one hard drive failed the remaining hard drives would be able to recover the data. Other ways to achieve redundancy of data is to have offsite backups, so that if the building were to burn down or be destroyed in any way, the data would still be recoverable from the storage facility.All of that backing Jewelries Trendy up is great for the internal structure of your business, but if your customers or business partners cant access any of that data online then your Wholesale business will be doomed to failure. That is where redundant telecoms equipment comes in. Even if you don't have a lot of traffic flowing to and from the internet you will still need a router to get online. If that router has a firmware update that addresses a major security flaw it would be smart to upgrade it. However, while you are upgrading the firmware your company will be offline. Even when the update is complete there may be bugs you did not expect and it could still leave your business offline. If you have redundant telecoms equipment you could test the update in a closed environment first to make sure there won’t be any bugs with the rest of your telecoms equipment. Then you could update the main router and use the backup router to keep the company online while the update is taking place. You could even have redundant IT techs to help make sure a proposed solution from one tech wouldn't have unexpected consequences. In the previous Led h1 example of updating the router, all one tech might see is "there is a big security hole that needs to be fixed". What another tech could see is "the upgraded version of the router doesn't support the version of the routing protocol used in the rest of the network. In that case the second tech would have been able to weigh the risk of the security hole versus the expenses of updating the rest of the network.There are many more examples of what to do with redundancy in today's world, but one thing is for sure, IT and telecoms redundancy are definitely needed to ensure your company doesn't go through huge headaches. Additional IT equipment should be used in your organization to ensure redunda

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